Upload Your Drafts: Your Content Schedule is Limiting Your Creativity
Are you holding your business back?
M – F, MWF, TTH… If you have a content schedule, this message is for you. When I first began sharing content on my business profiles, I was so worried about whether I was uploading too much. The inferiority complex you have about taking up space in the digital world is holding you back and losing you money.
Reaching for what you want.
Human beings have a natural tendency, especially in today’s online world, to believe that others are thinking about them more than they actually are. Moreover, we are being perceived a lot less than we think. Our intangible fear that others might believe we are being too much is holding us back from reaching out and going for what we want.
Reinforcing your brand.
As a small business owner, we don’t have much control over how our brand is perceived online. However, negative or positive, reinforcing your brand message and ethos will continue to grow your reach online. Bringing new potential customers to your product or service will always serve your business. Therefore, it might be helpful to think less about how people feel about your brand and a little more about how you can target new customers that will fall in love with it.