5 Exercises for Small Business Owners
Bianca Jacobson Bianca Jacobson

5 Exercises for Small Business Owners

Social strategy fatigue is real. Churning out true, quality content on a consistent basis can be mentally exhausting for small business owners. Oftentimes, this cycle can hurt your business creating tunnel vision. Pull yourself out from this perspective by trying out these exercises. I can guarantee you’ll increase your audience and engagement, reigniting your passion for social media.

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Why Your Still Image Graphics Are Not Performing
Bianca Jacobson Bianca Jacobson

Why Your Still Image Graphics Are Not Performing

Why are my still images under-performing? Why am I not getting engagement on my carousels? B. Please Studio is social for small business offering content design, account management, and social strategy. Put your social presence on auto-pilot.

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The Hashtag Growth Strategy Your Business Needs
Bianca Jacobson Bianca Jacobson

The Hashtag Growth Strategy Your Business Needs

Hashtagging on social sharing platforms like Instagram and Facebook behave like search engine keywords. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is needed for the survival of any business that offers products or services online. Treating content hashtagging like SEO will ensure that the rights users are directed to your business.

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3 Mistakes You Are Making in Your DMs
Bianca Jacobson Bianca Jacobson

3 Mistakes You Are Making in Your DMs

Direct Messaging on your social media business profile are an opportunity for you to build customer loyalty and direct users to your website. Answering questions from users are a chance for you to display your product knowledge and expand upon your brand’s identity. Here are some common mistakes:

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The Caption Copy Formula You Need for Your Small Business
Bianca Jacobson Bianca Jacobson

The Caption Copy Formula You Need for Your Small Business

Are you engaging users with social media copy? Neglecting captions and tagging may be hurting the potential success of your visual content. Follow my steps for small business content copy. B. Please Studio is social for small business offering content design, account management, social strategy, and more. See our portfolio and read or blog for more small business social.

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TikTok vs Reels: Which is better for my business?
Bianca Jacobson Bianca Jacobson

TikTok vs Reels: Which is better for my business?

TikTok vs Reels: Which is better for business? B. Please Studio is social for small business offering content design, account mangement, social strategy, and more. See our client portfolio, and check out our blog for more tips.

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